You can play the SickKids Lottery for the amazing prizes, but knowing you're playing for the kids is what makes this lottery special. You're playing for kids like Jasper.
Meet Jasper, SickKids patient and future rockstar. He has multiple conditions, including a brain tumour, hydrocephalus (a buildup of fluid in the brain), epilepsy, and issues with his endocrine system.

When Jasper was just a few days old, tests showed potential issues with his liver. After a doctor also noticed some visual differences on Jasper’s skull, Jasper had an ultrasound that revealed a large unknown mass in his brain. He was immediately transferred to SickKids, where he had surgery to relieve the pressure in his brain.  

Jasper spent nearly two months at SickKids before he was able to go home. Seven months later, he had a follow-up MRI and was diagnosed with a low-grade astrocytoma, the most common type of brain and spinal cord tumour in children. He had brain surgery to implant a shunt to relieve pressure, and went through 22 months of chemotherapy to stop the tumour from growing.

Today, Jasper is medically stable, though he has many long-lasting side effects from his treatment and visits SickKids often for follow-up and care. At home, Jasper loves singing and dancing whenever he can. As mom Nicola puts it, “He thinks he’s a real rockstar. He has long hair and won’t cut it. Music is his big thing.”

When you play the SickKids Lottery, you’re helping more kids like Jasper get the precise care they need at SickKids.



You can play the SickKids Lottery for the amazing prizes, but knowing you're playing for the kids is what makes this lottery special. You're playing for kids like Lola.
Lola is very active and loves playing hockey and all school sports. But when she was a baby, her future was uncertain. Lola’s parents adopted her from China when she was just under two years old, knowing she was born with a heart condition that would need treatment at SickKids.

When Lola first came home, she was very sick. She had a runny nose, a fever, and wouldn’t feed. She was rushed to her local hospital, and later transferred to SickKids, where she suffered a cardiac arrest. Lola’s parents learned that her heart condition, combined with the flu, had caused her heart to enlarge. Lola spent several days in the hospital before having heart surgery. The procedure went well, and within a few weeks, Lola was home and thriving.

Lola still needs to visit SickKids regularly for check-ups. She had follow-up open heart surgery at age 10 to repair two valves in her heart, with three months of recovery before she got back to playing the sports she loves. Today, Lola’s 13 and looking forward to a healthy future thanks to SickKids.

When you play the SickKids Lottery, you’re helping more kids like Lola grow up healthy and strong.



You can play the SickKids Lottery for the amazing prizes, but knowing you're playing for the kids is what makes this lottery special. You're playing for kids like Paisley.
Paisley is a bright, outgoing little girl who loves making new friends. But just before turning two, Paisley developed a rash and bruising that wouldn’t go away. Her worried parents took her to their local emergency department, where her blood was tested with concerning results. Paisley was rushed to SickKids and was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Paisley immediately started chemotherapy at SickKids. She spent months in and out of the hospital, undergoing countless procedures and tests, and her parents were thrilled when she responded well to treatment. Unfortunately, just after Paisley’s fourth birthday, her parents found out her cancer had relapsed. Paisley returned to SickKids for chemotherapy and immunotherapy. She also had a bone marrow transplant, with donated cord blood and bone marrow from her younger sister Kennedi. The transplant was successful and was followed by radiation treatment.

Paisley still needs to visit SickKids for check-ins and tests, but today, she’s doing well. She’s proudly started school and loves playing outside with her friends.

When you play the SickKids Lottery, you’re helping kids like Paisley get the best possible care, so they can get back to being kids.



Every kid is one-of-a-kind. So, they deserve more than one-size-fits-all health care.

Precision Child Health is health care tailored specifically to kids. By becoming a monthly donor, SickKids can diagnose faster, treat smarter, and predict better. This is the future of
children's health care.

The monthly donor community helps make this possible by giving us a solid foundation of support we can count on every month.

The more monthly donors we have, the bigger the impact for kids like Chitra, who was diagnosed with a rare, complex tumour near her brain at 8 months old. Using precision medicine powered by 3D printing technology, SickKids surgeons were able to see precisely what was wrong, and plan how to fix it. Chitra's tumour was removed, and today, she is healthy and well.

By becoming a monthly donor, we can heal the future and create better outcomes for kids, like Chitra.